I am actually summarising my posts for Hong Kong already. At the Conference, each country were supposed to present an item (I’ve said it before). And Malaysia’s performance was just almost the last night. Here, we were behind the stage practicing hard for our performance to do our best to represent Malaysia in the international (Asian) arena. We were nervous yet hilarious.There we go, we’re on. Singing “Standing in the Eyes of the World”
Done with the Conferences’ post in Hong Kong. Now, we were about to celebrate New Year 2010 at Hong Kong. We were hosted by a church in Hong Kong – accommodation and all. They brought us out for dinner and on the way, they were so amazed with the POLICE Uniform! 😛
Here, at the Countdown, I was put up to doing the Solo because the Original Ashley was away somewhere somehow. So yeah, I had to do it.
We did this in the Conference, but not many pictures. We did the same at the Countdown. We were introducing the Malaysia’s stuffs to the world. KL Tower, Twin Tower, Louie Vuitton, Nike and so on. It was funny!
Penang Bridge:
So called, the “Eye of Malaysia”:
And here was the video of our performance. The recording was not an absolute good recorder. And I had ulsers (thanks to eating so much HongKong fried food) that time. So, bare with my unbearable voice! 😛 It’s not normally bearable anyways! 😛
Disneyland posts are coming up, and say Goodbye to Hong Kong okay? 😛
Bear with me, I am finishing the Hong Kong posts already. Are you guys bored of it already? Here, we went to the town for some shopping and some walk around. It’s just nice to walk in a chilly cooling weather. I don’t mind walking on the busy street. Somehow, their toilet caught our attentions with their unique decorations
Endless eating, endless laughters – it’s so delicious, most of their delicacies there!
I’ve to mention about this shop; it has really delicious hot sandwiches! 😛
Yes, my sleepy face eating Curry Fishballs 😛
And at the conference, we had another session of workshops on HIV and AIDS. It was a fun and interactive workshop with loads of self learning and exploring. The facilitator (picture below) was some DIrector of that or something!
We were asked to act as different roles, and be spontaneous in what we should do when temptation comes. Prevention or Cure?
We had this for dinner; all I heard was this thing below costs HKD800 and we could not even finished it. And I didn’t exactly like it like really really much. It’s called Phoon Choy! It somehow does look cool doesnt it? 😛
I’ll try to squeeze and finish off my Hong Kong post the next round.
My sincere apologies, according to a few people including smashpOp, my last last post on Hong Kong showed my true sleepy face. Yes, I admit. But that trip wasn’t boring! 😛 I was just so tired the night before, and was forced to wake up early. And today, our first stop was Kowloon City for a walk. Spot the aunty below in this picture! 😛 I am sure this picture brings a great start to this post! For those who was envious of me having great egg tarts. Here is another brilliant picture on eggtarts. Don’t you just love it? Look at the crispy sides, and the softness of the tarts! It’s so delicious I can smell it as I am typing. Who wanna go Hong Kong again with me now? 😛 I wanna go during winter by the way!
Here, at our conference hall. A picture of the Malaysian delegates. We represented Malaysia in this conference. We were just the few eenie-minnie in the whole conference, but we made Malaysia proud. 2 of our leaders were the Emcee for the event; while the other Malaysians goes up every morning to do ice breakers before the sessions! We were loud, tough and sporting!
Yes, a little sleepy face again. It was taken in the bus with the Indonesian group.
Another morning at the Conference.
As promised, here was what I was saying. In 2006, the conference was held in Port Dickson, Malaysia. We handled the conference with over 700 participants; and turned away a few hundreds because of the good response. We handled everything including games. Because of our professionalism in handling those, we were requested to handle the games in Hong Kong. I planned most of it, with another youth of mine and we did the similar games in Malaysia. Sadly, a few games got rejected by the Hongkies, but it was nonetheless, fun. We actually got the Asians to do Caterpillar Race in the compound. Refer pictures below! 😛
Somehow, I couldn’t find the pictures on the other station games such as dressing up as a mammie, throwing the ball from the higher floor down, oil and marble game, and some other tough, crazy and hard games! These were just some of the games (or team building activites, they call it, in Hong Kong) that we played in the Conference in Hong Kong. Sorry, I didnt mean to offend you Asians with our trademark games! 😛
Here comes the interesting Part 2. After a good break, we head to the huge conference hall. We were more or less still very energetic; first day mah! And we all had a good rest the night before. The smiles on the faces just says it all. Being a Asian event; each country were requested to do their performance representing their country. And here was the launching band from one of Hong Kong’s high school. Being from an All-Boys School, I had the privilege of seeing girls playing in a band (again!). I usually only get to see it when I am in the Band Competition! Yeah, aku jakun!
I don’t know when and how was it, but she just fell asleep inside the bus. And here’s the pretty picture I WAS TALKING ABOUT, Jiahuei!
We spotted Jusco in Hong Kong the next day on our way to the conference. Oh, did I mention that the location we stay is at least 30 mins drive or more to the Conference Hall? It’s so far, and we had to wake up like.. really early.
We had workshops in the afternoon during the conference. I attended this workshop on “Tactics to Busyness” and it actually talks much about Time Management; and how Not-To-Be-Busy. I actually think that the workshop name should not be called “Tactics to Busyness”, it’s weird (and ironic, somehow!)
Being the Starbucks fan, I’ve been always visiting Starbucks in other country for the fun of it. I visited Starbucks in Australia, and now in Hong Kong. It was just minutes walk from our Conference Hall. And I found this Salad (which of course, Malaysia doesnt have it!)
We just had to take individual pictures with Starbucks!
This is what I call addiction; just look at her face! I guess she had lack of sleep though! And all she needs during this winter season was Coffee!
But guess what, I decided not to drink in Hong Kong when all of them actually drank. I
behaved myself didn’t feel like drinking! I can’t exactly remember where this picture was taken from, but I had a feeling was from The Peak.
Another performance by another country. I actually don’t remember which country is which; except Malaysia and Singapore. That post should be coming next or the one after!
I guess this was Japan; demonstrating some Taekwondo.
The smiles at the conference. These smiles will always be a part of my heart!
I am missing Hong Kong already!
A continuation of Singapore Part 2. We went like loads and loads of places before the concert night itself.
We went to the town and one of this hotel had this posh car right in front of the hotel; where Kai Liang managed to take a picture of it.
I enjoyed the trip. A good time of rest and relax with friends; and to catch up with some Singaporean friends. But one thing, Malaysia still has the best food. AGREE? 😛
I’d probably be posting on the Review of She’s Out Of My League (2010) before we fly to Hong Kong!
I know I am crazily lazy the past 6 months; when I took a break the past 6-8months from blogging. I just realised this fact when I was browsing through my albums and realised I have not blogged about certain trips or events that happened like many many months ago. Enough of my lazy crap.
I was at Singapore like (many) months ago to attend a concert by a church. And yet, we went there like 2-3 days earlier to enjoy ourselves there. So, here goes the pictures!
This is just Part 1. Will try to finish off Part 2 by tomorrow and then I’ll prolly blogged about Hong Kong. Yes, you read it correctly – HONG KONG posts. Heavy pictures post!
I am at this place called Port Dickson.
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