Being Malaysians, we rarely even go around visiting our country but I guess with this field trip, I did have a fair chance of visiting the temple, Brickfields, Istana Negara and some other places which many Malaysians we probably even takes it for granted. And we always go “What is there to do in Malaysia?” Well, here are definitely some of the places you can visit! We hoped on to town for a short photo taking and visiting. And coincidentally, Dataran Merdeka was packed with tents and all as it was preparing for a Nike event for World Cup. There you go, some shots here from Indro, my classmate. (Note: the last picture was a pose)
I look horribly fat in this picture. Sigh.
At Istana Negara where we get to take more pictures!
A tea time at Brickfields, I kinda dislike this place. Too busy and dirty. And the restaurants had rats all over it. And the restaurant we went had a huge banner that writes “Najib’s Corner”; because our Prime Minister had eaten there before.
This was the poser picture I told you about. I am such a bad poser anyways! 😛
So, bye bye to my KL Field Trip. Off for another interesting topic soon!
Let’s just hope the topic above will not attract a whole bunch of Indian friends. Okay, I am kidding. Not being racist. At Batu Caves, we were treated to a dance as well as being invited to dance with these Indian dancers. My classmates doing the dance with the Indian dancers. Potential eh?
Another part of Batu Caves where you see a green statue.
Lunch was vegetarian at Batu Caves. If you were to ask if I enjoyed it, I personally don’t really enjoy it. But nevertheless, I think it’s something worth a try.
This was the banana-leaf rice. I did not eat this. Yeah, I am not that adventurous with food. Photos by Indro Putranto (classmate)
I ain’t sure, but I can guess that at least 50% of Malaysians have not visited Batu Caves before; let alone the KL attractions. I am probably in that group of 50% because I’ve been to Batu Caves like many many years back and I prolly even forgotten about it! 😛 Here, my lecturer on the left; my Public Relations and Visual Communication lecturer. The ever-famous statue.
I love this shot of Leka and Peace chasing those doves. I think they are doves, are they?
Entering Batu Caves after the many many steps of climbing. The climb was quite fun actually!
Entering Batu Caves.
Now, these 2 daring girls took the snake and pose with it. Had to pay somemore. I did not have the guts of course. If you know me well, I ain’t a big fan of animals.
On the way to art gallery. This shot is really nice.
These are 2 of my other classmates. I think we were a little crazy lah! 😛
Ending the post with a pitiful Monkey!
Anyone wants to feed this little one? Heee.. *edit*: Photos by Indro (classmate)
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