So, here’s my attempt in trying to keep my blog as active as possible. Here are the pictures from my old HTC. So, please bear with the photo quality. I think it’s pretty horrible now that I have an iPhone 4, no, I’m not bragging. But in comparison, iPhone 4 does change my perception of photos, somehow or rather. RANDOM #1: 6666.I drove and the number hit 6666, and I don’t know how but I got so fascinated with the number. It’s like jackpot to me. But no, I did not purchased any lots. Okay, here’s another PSA reminder: Don’t snap pictures while driving RANDOM #2: Jaclyn Victor at UNIQLO Pre Launch Party
I can’t believe I looked so fat here. But here was a picture with Jaclyn Victor, Malaysian Idol Season 1 at UNIQLO Launch in Malaysia (Fahrenheit 88). I was given over RM 200 shopping vouchers and attending their pre-launch was quite an atmosphere. RANDOM #3: Most Coca-Cola Bottles in the World?
I went to a friend’s place and I saw that his house has the most collection of Coca Cola bottles and cans from all over the world with different design. Not just that, it was also a collection of Coca-Cola merchandises like cup and all. Ever seen any more than this?
A long long overdue post due to my new found love – procrastination. Honestly, I’ve another like pending 8 events from 2010 to blog about. And gosh, this isn’t good for my reputation. LOL. Anyways, this was one of the event I think it was significant to me and to many others. In October, we had a Worship Night with Sidney Mohede, who was here for the weekend. The humble man who always calls himself “Sidney More-headache”. I had a fun time worshipping. Prolly it’s always fun to worship God despite the circumstances we are all going through. And of course apart from ADORE, which I had even more fun worshipping. Imagine shaking the heavens together in one voice and 7 chairs broke that night. For real. I’m talking too much, let’s get the pictures going.The Saturday night Worship event with Sidney Mohede in Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church with the Church’s main team.
The guy himself: Sidney Mohede. Oh on a random note, he loves Malaysian coffee!
I know this is blurry. But I wanted to show that Worship is NEVER boring. It’s always fun.
And on Sunday, he led worship in church as well. I was a part of the team on Sunday. I’ve to tell you I’ve learned so so much from the man himself. He thought me humility most. A guy with his humbleness who has brought him thus far. God’s good.
Also, we also brought him out for lunch to SUKA. SUKA is a new restaurant around Bukit Bintang area and is a cozy and nice hangout place. We know the owner there so we kinda love going there for a quick hangout. The ambience is nice with high ceiling, relaxing songs and above average food. Oh, it’s affordable too. The table we booked:
My parents and my so-called sister snapped a picture with the man himself before meals.
A family snap shot (Amanda Saputra, so called sister) with Sidney.
Sidney telling his life story. Okay, I kinda remembered he was lah.
The 2 girls with their drinks – Amanda and Ashley.
Here’s Sidney busy twitting his 3 varieties of food. And on another random note, he apparently likes Malaysian food too. Oh if you want to, follow his twitter at: @SidMohede (follow mine too lah! :D)
That was what he ate in one afternoon…….
….. JUST KIDDING! We kinda shared to get a taste of them. It looks really delicious lah! It tastes delicious too!
Me, having sweet tooth, I love desserts. Cantik kan?
And here comes Amanda’s 21st Birthday Surprise. First time ever celebrating in Malaysia without her family. But yeah, still my sister lah! 😀
She was in tears that we remembered and gave her a cake, and of course it was together with Sidney!
The 4 siblings! Tai-kar-cheh seated.
A few more piccas before we head off from the place.
All in all, great time of learning and worshipping in one weekend! I’ll just keep doin’ it and never wanna stop!
No, this is no trick in the title. I ain’t talking about any racism. But this girl somehow caught my attention.Rebecca Black, has recently became a YouTube sensation, or I should say, “Social Media Sensation” with her new single “Friday”.
If you are a fan of Justin Bieber, yes, Rebecca Black is experiencing the same amount of fame as Bieber. Nevertheless, not as many haters as Bieber. And bear in mind, Rebecca Black is only 13. No kidding! So, how did Rebecca Black came about? Her single “Friday” went on Youtube on February 5 and only recently, she got a lot of attention when the views increased tremendously. At this point, her views of the Official Video is at 13,651,932. And hey, thats like so so so many viewers. These days, this girl, Rebecca has also been trending on Twitter. Seriously, though I thinks that her song was a “JUST OKAY” song, but it’s been really catchy and the choruses does stick into your head. And she was a NOTHING into SOMETHING with the power of SOCIAL MEDIA. Despite the various criticisms on Twitter and Facebook on her video, she has got a huge number of fans as well. Does this brings you closer to why she is going through a life of Biebers? Or is this proving the fact that “BAD PUBLICITY is GOOD PUBLICITY”? Some criticisms from Wikipedia writes that "vocals as having a peculiar tonality that inadvertently highlights the absurdity of boiletplate pop lyrics” or “sounds unlike anything else in pop music”.
Going back to the song “Friday”, it’s a song written by Clarence Jey and Patrice Wilson. And it was this song that had 3,000 views and jumper into 14 million views on March 11 within six days. And being so viral, many parodies and remixes has been made out of it. Here’s one of the parody:
And on a personal note, you can say and so so much on the word “Friday”. Don’t chu? Lets try; here are a few I came to mind:
So much you can think and write about Friday, no? So bringing me to a random question: What is a song that you can write with the title “Friday”? Have an awesome possum Friday!
So, without a doubt, I’ve been slacking my Fridays for the past say, 13 weeks? And in short, all I do is to eat, sleep, stare. Yeah, now you know how fat I can be every weekends. Worst still, I don’t slim down on the weekdays from Monday to Thursdays. I am ballooning like a big hot air balloon and sometimes I wonder when it will ever explode. So, here’s my usual Random Fridays activities. Don’t laugh cause I know I’ve been a mega couch potato. Activity 1: Eat Pan Mee. I prolly ate more than 10 bowls of Pan Mee in that 13 Fridays of mine. I feel like a slave to Pan Mee these days. It just lures me when I see the 2 words. Activity 2: Stare at my Computer. No, I am not bragging about my computer and my huge screen. But hey look, I was just surfing my usual like Facebook, Twitter and playing online craps and the cycle goes on round and round again. Well, but I got a little more productive today. I found out how to do Audio Streaming on Facebook live on a profile or a page, and I tried learning Facebook MarkUp Language. I felt a sense of achievement. Really. Okay, making this a random quick post, I was on this ad. Add me on Facebook or Twitter to find out about my little mini part on the silly ad for I Love Discounts. And yeah, that was what I meant by Audio Streaming on Facebook. It’s pretty easy and cool! Activity 3: Dream. I tend to dream more on Fridays. It’s like you know Fridays are one of the days you just dream you were here doing things you like. And just dreaming the whole day away! So, you wanna know what I dream about today? I dreamt I was in Hong Kong. And the crazy me went to google Hong Kong piccas and try tempting myself to book a trip there. Last week, I dream I had a job which gives me a “Friday Office” thing. I feel proud when I tell people I have an office to go too. Yes, I am mentally ill these days. Activity 4: I drive like a headless chicken cos’ I don’t know where I am heading to. I conveniently hop on to my car, and then start driving without knowing where I wanna go. Okay, sorry. I contributed some fumes to the environment, but hey, it’s my solitude time. Activity 5: Okay, this is amazing. I’ve never actually do my assignments on Friday. Never. This is like the thing I DON’T DO ON FRIDAYS. Fridays have been a new found weekend for me. Activity 6: EAT. I usually go for an extraordinary meal on Fridays. So, I went to Chillis tonight. Chillis with its big portion of food, me, the balloon can’t even finish it. That sums up how big the portions are. Nevertheless, my new found excitements I look forward to during the weekdays are Fridays. But when Friday comes, NO, I don’t know where I am going neither do I know what I am doing. Today is one of those days I felt like being random. Perhaps, I’ve always been a random person. I do things my mind can’t comprehend at times. I am just a little too lazy to put even a picture today, but let me end your Friday with my not so handsome smile.
Okay, just kidding. This is so not me. He’s so cute I know. Well, here’s me and here’s hoping you have an awesome weekend ahead.
Don’t chu wanna pinch the cheeks of this little boy? Drop me a note if you wanna do. We’ll pinch together! LOL!
You know, I just think that I blogged about Singapore Trip just not too long ago. Prolly less than 6 months, sigh. I think this is so much cause of my procrastination. This Singapore trip was actually in July. I was on a Semester break, while my dad had a meeting there. So, I was my own tourguide. First thing I always crave for when I go to Singapore is the Oriental treats. You know how much I missed them? Words can’t describe. I wonder why Malaysia stopped producing such soup? Campbell, if you are reading, tell me! I got them from a friend somehow anyways, just few weeks back! Upon arriving, this is the road we saw in the car. I went with an Alphard. I was like a VIP, the car was entirely dark. So, the photo is considered good! :p
The guys accomodation, in a church. The place I stayed – Thomson Road Baptist Church
The cozy apartment, okay. I stole the neighbours wifi. But who cares lah? :op I do that all the time, watch out for me!
I wonder why I placed them here!
You do know some of my favourite hangout spots, dont chu?
I went with this bunch too.. =)
More of my Singapore funny stories next – I took picture with some people who thought I was some stars!
I was just pondering on whats there to update on my blog – something short, simple and eye-catching. Yes, I have many (super many) pending posts since I stopped blogging for few months. I will do so when my mood catches on me.
So, I decided to write on something “more about me”; just in case my About Me on top of the blog did not catch your attention. I have a confession to make – I like kids; or perhaps how many aunties at church would say, i somehow have fate with kids.
Most of them are just so glued to me and it’s really cool. If you check on my Facebook, you’d see many pictures of the tagline “Father in the Making”. I guess the heart of kids has come about since my sister came into this world just about 11 years ago.
Just let me sum the whole posts below with some experiences with some kids.
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