I was privileged to won 2 tickets because of a random post I posted on Facebook on a question by The Rage. They gave me the ticket for the premier in Malaysia on 21 June 2010 at Golden Screen Cinemas in 1Utama. I decided to go with my brother. Yes, first time with him for a show (and I am 20 now) The show “She’s Out Of My League” is rated as 18. It is an American Romantic Comedy Film directed by Jim Field Smith. It talks a lot of how self-esteem can affect the lives of just a person. Although the examples used was just based on looks of personality of a person; it’s just hilarious how they actually put the story. It also gives you an idea why the (so called hot, pretty) girl would choose a not-too-goodlooking-man to love. The movie breaks the stereotype that hotties just want to be with other hotties, reinstating that ‘beauty comes from within’. Jay Baruchel is tops as the mumbling geek who trips over himself, while the supporting cast outshine each other with hilarious lines. According to a friend of mine, this show has been released in United States for quite some time. Being too free, I actually googled it out and true enough, it was. Here are some of the posters you might be seeing.
The poster in Kuala Lumpur looks like this:
Some scenes from the show:
The scene where the 4 “brothers” were in a discussion.
Towards the ending, on how this guy actually decided to get back to his old, not-so-pretty-looking ex-girlfriend.
I think if you want to have a good laugh, this is definitely a show to catch up on. I’d say that the show is quite vulgar; nevertheless: it made me laugh and it made my day. Watch this if you’re looking for a safe, date night movie that doesn’t require too much concentration. Rating: 8/10
I managed to catch some time out of my busy schedule to watch “The Karate Kid”. I know I am a little late; and I rarely do Movie Reviews anyways. I promise you no spoilers.
This (2010) is the remake version of the same show in 1984. Apparently, my dad said that the story line is 80% the same; but I ain’t sure. I didn’t watch the old one.
The story line of the movie revolves around twelve-year-old Dre Parker played by Smith, who is forced to relocate to Beijing with his single mother (Taraji P. Henson). He is rescued from the school bullies by Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), with aid of martial arts. Dre is finally tutored by Han, making him an expert in martial arts, including kung fu.
It was a little too draggy or too long; I’d say but it has many things one could learn from this simple movie. It was a little humourous too at certain parts especially with some of the sarcasm shown by Dre.
Nevertheless, I still think it’s a movie worth watching. It would receive a rating of maybe 8.5/10?
Here is the Trailer (I am still unsure if this is the official trailer; I am too tired)
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