You know I am always slower than many others, so, hence this blog about Twitter’s 5th Birthday recently. I’ve always wanted to do posts which affect people and mentions people. So I told myself that I need to get my hands dirty and really put in some hard work. And with all the below, please also know that it is of my own opinions and does not represent any corporation or conglomerates. If you think I’ve prolly missed out your name or Twitter account, I hereby apologise. Leave me a comment la! But it’s quite amazing how some people still asks “What is Twitter?” though I received these questions less often these days.
In the past short five years, Twitter has reporting having 200+ million users (and bots) and a market valuation of $8 – 10 billion. It is also mentioned that Twitter will continue to change how we discover and interact. Also, to shape culture and the nature of relationships. Fast Company gathered the numbers and have came into the conclusion below:
It took 3 years, 2 months and 1 day to hit 1 billion Tweets. Now it only takes 1 week for Twitter to syndicate 1 billion Tweets — although most of them lately will probably include mentions of Charlie Sheen, Rebecca Black, or Justin Bieber. In February 2011, daily Tweets averaged 140 million (140 FTW) almost 3x the 50 million Tweets sent every day this time last year. On March 11th in the wake of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, Tweets flew to 177 million. On New Year’ Day 2011, 4 seconds after passing midnight in Japan, a new Tweets Per Second (TPS) record was set at 6,939. While the exact number of users is elusive, Twitter reports that 572,000 accounts were created on March 12, 2011. 460,000 new accounts were created each day on average in February 2011. Mobile use of Twitter is booming, growing 182% in the last year.
Anyways, my point here is that if you are a new twitter-er or a quiet one, I’m trying to be an awesome guy here to help you out and to expand your horizons. HAHAHA! Just kidding. But, here are some people I follow and I think you should follow too. They are either brilliant, famous, popular or a nobody. If you are listed, put yourself into one of those category. If you think you are in the first 3 category, then YOU’RE SHAMELESS as I am. 😛 OF COURSE, ALL IN ALL, YOU’VE TO FOLLOW MY RANTINGS at @alvinkok_2. That’ll bring you a long long way!
Basically, the list above are people whom I’ve been following which I think has help me know more about the world. Like I said, this is a personal “follow list”, which may or may not left out deserving or undeserving people. Follow at your own risk. At least, to me, these are the people I think you should follow on Twitter. I realised by doing a list like this, I’ve kinda unfollowed quite a number of people who stopped tweeting too. Tell me if you agree to this list by leaving me a comment! Love hearing from you.
You know. It was quite depressing to have friends from Singapore, joining Taylor Swift’s concert. What was worst? They tweet and mention me in almost all the pictures and tweets. It’s like being constipated in the toilet – wanna let it out but you can’t. Here was one of the evil teaser all the way from Singapore! Introduced to Taylor Swift by a close friend a few years back has indeed been memorable. This friend of mine would do whatever it was for Taylor Swift. And he got me so crazy and guess what, I asked a friend to buy her album all the way from the US when it was not released yet here in Malaysia. Taylor Swift’s genre of music is always something light and it gets you swift-ing along all the time. Fine, I know and read all about her writing songs everytime she breaks up. But in my mind, here was what I was thinking: “
If she writes that good songs, maybe she should break up 12 times a year”. Okay, I didn’t mean it. But if she never break up, these songs will never be on air right? 😀 Well, RedFm is giving us (ME actually!) a chance to see her LIVE in the UK as well as a share of RM 20,000. You know the amount of things I can buy with RM 20K. It’s like, I can bring all of you for buffet meal or something! 😀 So, it’s 3 simple steps: Step 1: Go to Facebook, click join on: Red Fm (Malaysia) Step 2: Change your profile picture to this: Step 3: Share your Taylor Swift and Red.Fm Love. May I add – Step 4: Sit, back, wait and drop me a note on this post! 😀 By the way, hawt pictures of Taylor Swift doesn’t require thousands, just one nice one will do! 😀 Find out more on: – Today’s Best Music.
Being Malaysians, we rarely even go around visiting our country but I guess with this field trip, I did have a fair chance of visiting the temple, Brickfields, Istana Negara and some other places which many Malaysians we probably even takes it for granted. And we always go “What is there to do in Malaysia?” Well, here are definitely some of the places you can visit! We hoped on to town for a short photo taking and visiting. And coincidentally, Dataran Merdeka was packed with tents and all as it was preparing for a Nike event for World Cup. There you go, some shots here from Indro, my classmate. (Note: the last picture was a pose)
I look horribly fat in this picture. Sigh.
At Istana Negara where we get to take more pictures!
A tea time at Brickfields, I kinda dislike this place. Too busy and dirty. And the restaurants had rats all over it. And the restaurant we went had a huge banner that writes “Najib’s Corner”; because our Prime Minister had eaten there before.
This was the poser picture I told you about. I am such a bad poser anyways! 😛
So, bye bye to my KL Field Trip. Off for another interesting topic soon!
Let’s just hope the topic above will not attract a whole bunch of Indian friends. Okay, I am kidding. Not being racist. At Batu Caves, we were treated to a dance as well as being invited to dance with these Indian dancers. My classmates doing the dance with the Indian dancers. Potential eh?
Another part of Batu Caves where you see a green statue.
Lunch was vegetarian at Batu Caves. If you were to ask if I enjoyed it, I personally don’t really enjoy it. But nevertheless, I think it’s something worth a try.
This was the banana-leaf rice. I did not eat this. Yeah, I am not that adventurous with food. Photos by Indro Putranto (classmate)
I ain’t sure, but I can guess that at least 50% of Malaysians have not visited Batu Caves before; let alone the KL attractions. I am probably in that group of 50% because I’ve been to Batu Caves like many many years back and I prolly even forgotten about it! 😛 Here, my lecturer on the left; my Public Relations and Visual Communication lecturer. The ever-famous statue.
I love this shot of Leka and Peace chasing those doves. I think they are doves, are they?
Entering Batu Caves after the many many steps of climbing. The climb was quite fun actually!
Entering Batu Caves.
Now, these 2 daring girls took the snake and pose with it. Had to pay somemore. I did not have the guts of course. If you know me well, I ain’t a big fan of animals.
On the way to art gallery. This shot is really nice.
These are 2 of my other classmates. I think we were a little crazy lah! 😛
Ending the post with a pitiful Monkey!
Anyone wants to feed this little one? Heee.. *edit*: Photos by Indro (classmate)
You do know; I’ve not been updating my blog very frequently – especially in my routine Nonsense Friday. So, I decided to update it by being patriotic today on Nonsense Friday. Malaysia’s Independence Day was just over a couple of days back. And somehow or rather, ironically, I realize that there is a surge of videos on Youtube being passed on and shared via Facebook or Youtube on racial segregation, issues and conflicts in Malaysia. It is simply ironic that an event such as Merdeka; which was suppose to unite us all Malaysians has made as segregated and segmented. Does this occurs only during Merdeka? Nevertheless, for those who have been following my tweet, does know that I wrote this phrase quite sometime ago after seeing the National Day Celebration of Singapore:
Independence Day in other countries is a Public Affair, Independence Day in Malaysia is a Government Affair
As I was following tweets on the celebration in Singapore, I realise most (if not, all) was attending and following the parade and the celebration. And I start to wonder, why don’t Malaysians do the same? I realise one of Malaysians habit is that we tend to speak against what we dislike, yet not acting towards it. It’s more like, we are unhappy (and so what?), and we speak about issues that affects us as Malaysians (and we don’t bother doing anything about it!) After 53 years of Independence, I realise our mentality towards our country has not changed much. It’d always be about how much others MADE the mistake, instead of how much we CAN do something about it. Malaysia stands unique as Malaysia. We should be proud to be a part of Malaysia as we are free from natural disasters; looking at the brighter side, perhaps, we have more to be thankful for? Don’t we? Or at least, our Facebook, Google and some other technologies aren’t banned? Malaysia. She does has her beauty too, isn’t it? I know she has her flaws. To you, maybe flawssssssssssssssss (endless). But hey, come on? Who doesn’t have flaws? Tell me if you don’t. I’d be glad to be-friend you. But should we still keep the mentality that people had 53 years ago or perhaps the mentality of May 13? Merdeka may really mean Public Holidays to me; I mean seriously. But I choose to know, learn and respect that despite the flaws of Malaysia, i do heart Malaysia. It’s a home in my heart. Now ask yourself, is it a home in your heart? Love for a country is a CHOICE; imagine if the Malaysians love Malaysia just as much – things will and can change! Why can’t we show true Malaysian Colours during this time of celebration instead of those racial segregation videos? In spite of our differences, we are all still Malaysians. Who really cares what colour skins you have? Because we all are the same in our own way and culture. Merdeka is all about us and her (Malaysia). And that’s about it. It’s time to build and change Malaysia for the better. Running far away does not solve any of those issues. Talking bad about it does not solve any of those issues either. I heard someone saying this:
I’ll choose not to talk bad about it if I, myself can’t find a solution to make it better.
We all have our part to play. Merdeka truly means freedom in life, love, race, religion. Let’s live above it as Malaysians and really be a country that shines like none other. Despite it all, I AM PROUD TO BE A MALAYSIAN. She may not be the best, but I’ll give it my best. Leaving you with my favourite quote:
Our children are colour blind, let’s leave it that way.
*Ignore my phrasing and paragraphing. I just woke up from my bed typing this but I really mean it. HAPPY MERDEKA!
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