The title says it all. This is an outdated post. I was clearing my desktop a while ago and these folders still pops up there as I’ve yet to write about it. So, this is a summary of what happened when I was in Singapore 2010 with my family and some friends. It was a great trip. I think all of my Singapore trips are just amazing. I also know where’s where already being there so often. Being a good brother, starting this post with a picture with my sister. The view is so much better than just this picture. I think the picture is just an “understatement” of how great the view was.
I rarely take pictures with my brother. Not sure if this was a candid shot or if it was planned. But a picture with my very own brother is like.. GOLD? Haha.
And here’s when the sister decides to join the brothers!
I’ve said this and I am saying this AGAIN. If you are in Singapore, you cannot avoid Bens and Jerrys ice cream. It’s like some really really good stuffs, minus the long queues. Love the texture and unique flavours. Don’t remind me about being fat. If I am right, Vivocity or Harbour Front has one.
You shan’t go to Singapore if you are NOT visiting the Universal Studios. I mean, come on. It’s like the “IN” thing.
This is one ride I would prolly play over and over again. But call me stupid, I played this as my first ride. And I was the only one who got ALL WET! Like, first ride. All wet. No joke. But it was really really fun. I am now tempted to go there just for this ride!
It goes on a rotation, and if you are lucky, you get WET. And I was lucky. I am just trying to be optimistic aight? 😛
Some kiddy ride for a break.
This is a mini-roller coaster which I thought it was not that mini after all.
Jurassic Park. Not fully opened when I was there, but I want you to know it’s wicked.
Oooooh. And the roller coaster. Like for real. I love this. I went in twice. Haha. And I cheated my mum into going in with me on the second round. How evil can I be?
Here’s the grand entrance. The tall designs and built are quite amazing la. I really admire them actually.
This is a “vomit-generator”. I can really puke sitting in it any longer than 5 minutes. It’s so super fast and dizzzzy!
:O Hot stuffs la! Hot! She is damn fierce ok? I wonder if her assets are real. Shhh.
This is the shopping alley. It’s crazily expensive, but some things are really cute and unique la. If you’ve a girlfriend to please, maybe you can grab some things in there!
This is me trying to think that being fat is okay. Just saying.
SHREKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. This 4D thingy is awesome beyond words. I love how the effects made me feel all crazy.
I know the food is frigging pricy. But, you’ve not much of a choice actually.
Some satay rice. Haha. Not really sure. It doesn’t look that appetising, does it?
The outdoor roller coaster was not opened when we were there.
He is SHORTER THAN ME! And he is so small size la. Like, really.
… but he’s friendly. I really admire how they get into their character the moment they walk out.
This picture is awful. But it was taken to tag friends. Bwahahaha. I am evil like that.
This is like a wicked LIVE studio and it shows you how they shoot and more. Quite an experience.
They look evil and fierce. My HI was rejected.
How can you not take a picture with the globe when you are at Universals Studio Singapore?
Also, I went to Marina Bay. It was some new year event they were having. People can thrown in balls with their wishes. I wanted to write my number and throw it in, but it was only for Singapore citizens.
Ooh. I had lunch at one of this Chinese Restaurant in a hospital. Unique food, and the desserts were craazy! They had some really nice cubicles of … kuih? Not really, not too sure actually. But it has a really sweet tastes and apparently it’s good for health. See the irony?
This is some digestive apple juice after the meal. I was drinking things from test tube. But the juice was fresh and awesome. I won’t mind having them more often.
And on our way back, our Ms Crazy. She has more ugly photogs. But I decided to be nice for once.
So, Singapore. I do miss you much. Imma be back. Soon.
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