So, turning 21 was all the happy moments. Apart from the last minute frustrations of who to invite, when to have it and you know it, Imma just a great procrastinator. And maybe, I work best at such times. So, track back a lil. On my actual birthday, my boss at (@ilovediscountmy) actually brought me and Yen Fen for lunch. We somehow walked around and we ended up at Marmalade, Bangsar Village. Being a pasta fan, I went for the Grilled Chicken Pesto Spaghetti. I thought the taste was weird initially, but after a bite or two, i started to fall in love with it. It’s addictive. If you hate the smell of vegetables of pesto, this is so not yours. The olives makes it taste great too. Thinking about it, I should just head there and grab a bite one of these days. I love indulging in good food.
At night, my parents decided to bring me out for a walk. I ended up getting myself some really good tees and some jeans and khakis, which I thought it actually summed up the 2 years I’ve not bought pants. Being someone who has a sweet teeth, mum offered for Haagen Dazs. Apa lagi? Sapu only la right! The last I had a proper Haagen Dazs (not in scoops, but in a mega serving) was a few years back in Penang. So, here you go. I indulge in this great stuff. I won’t mind going back for it again. Any takers?
It’s best to have it when you share it with friends la. No selfish selfish all. =)
And here comes the weekend, where I had a party. Well, a dinner in a way. I don’t party hard anyways. Imma good boy.
So, in a celebration, the Malaysian way; we can never do without food right? So, here’s all the super fooood you can see.
And of randomness, I actually think that the Yong Tau Fu is super good, and the Satay is more than just awesome! Betul la. Tak tipu. Now, I feel like heading to the Haji Samuri near MRR2 for some good good satays! Another offer, anyone?
As usual, this is the bunch who takes the most pictures most of the time. They are just best best crazy kawans! Lovin’ them to bits. They make my days on the weekends, and maybe sometimes, the weekdays too. Some friends and family over at my party.
See, I just proved my point. They take more pictures than I do.
And, here you go.
I am hungry looking at it all now. Serious. No Joke!
See the Yong Tau Fu? 😛
I don’t know what to say, but look at her face!
Someone asked me about the caterer, and the interior. So, I’ve got a horse there. Thinking about it, I think I was actually born in the Year of the Horses. But I don’t know how to ride a horse, neither do I talk to the horse.
Satay Satay Satay! I am going back to Haji Samuri sometime this week. I don’t care!
Me with the fatness looks. I call it indulgence, but many call it fattening.
But this picture definitely beat my picture hands down la! Nick, you win!
Ice kacang. I have this weird thing I don’t know why. I ask for Ice Kacang kosong; where there’s only crushed ice. I will then pour cordial in it and just eat it that way. I think, now, I have issues kan?
I had my food. I felt like a superstar. People came to take pictures of me. This is shameless captions of myself (and the food)
They wanted to be superstars that day too! So, I gave them a chance.
Err, I said I gave them a chance.
Sorry for the hideous pictures. My sister held the camera all the time. I hardly took my phone out for pictures except for Tweeting. I think my iPhone pictures might look better!
Family. =)
We don’t know which camera was flashing so, we just turn our heads 180 degrees.
A bigger family, with aunties and uncles. 😀
This was a photo I insist that I must take. My grandma (dad’s side) and my grandpa (mum’s side) that I told myself I’ve gotta take this. Not that I’m thinking of anything mean, but hey, they are my grandparents. They are oldies. They watched me grow.
Okay, the other 2 apes that came out of the jungle. They drive me up the wall but yet at times, it’s still all good.
Some church friends that came. I think Min Han looks really fierce! 😛
See, I think the jungle opened up it’s way for them to be there with me. I am blessed. =D
I thought I’d just show something to make you remember this post. So, this was the only picture that might put this post in your mind. How a guy tried to kiss another guy on his birthday. Not just an ordinary birthday, but my 21st birthday!
More church friends. I remember how I grew up with them every time I see this picture.
How can my Uni mates be exempted right? I wanna highlight the girl on the right. She is as usual, crazy. If the pictures below shows her jumping and all, I think she came out from the jungle too! 😛
I actually really love this pic! =)
And here’s where the game actually began. I was splashed, more like poured water on. No ice water this round. So, I think it’s still cool. And I think it was like drama. Everyone’s watching!
Here’s my dad secretary who was reluctant, but made to take a picture of my wet self.
I was like all wet. Wet to the very wet.
See, I told you. Drama kan!?!?! Everyone’s looking! 😀
Got changed. More uni friends came later to hang out. Check out Edmund’s face on the right. I don’t know what his mouth was trying to do. I really don’t.
From the jungle? Or maybe more like from APIIT.
Jeng Jeng Jeng. I tak tau what’s this.
So, this was a belated party with the I Love Discounts team. We rock. So, they celebrated mine and Yen Fen’s (Web Designers) birthday together. Hers was later in August.
So, a small cake. We got Starbucks vouchers too! Our company loves us to the max. Super max! 😀
And of course, these are the gifts I got. Truly happy about it. The Super Heroes thingy was awesome. I got a Superman iPhone 4 cover. I think thats just too awesome. I feel the power now. Topman and Soda gave me great attires. Machines? Don’t be deceive. It’s still tshirt!
But with all your generosity, I am buying a MacBook. So, I’ll still be a happy boy! 😀
Next post, I will do an official Thank You message la! I’ve actually written down all your names and all. It means a lot to me. =)
hi alvin! thx for stopping by and liking the facebook page as well.
Looks like you got alot of presents for your 21st! Very nice! As they say, you're never too old to receives presents.
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday!