So, without a doubt, I’ve been slacking my Fridays for the past say, 13 weeks? And in short, all I do is to eat, sleep, stare. Yeah, now you know how fat I can be every weekends. Worst still, I don’t slim down on the weekdays from Monday to Thursdays. I am ballooning like a big hot air balloon and sometimes I wonder when it will ever explode. So, here’s my usual Random Fridays activities. Don’t laugh cause I know I’ve been a mega couch potato. Activity 1: Eat Pan Mee. I prolly ate more than 10 bowls of Pan Mee in that 13 Fridays of mine. I feel like a slave to Pan Mee these days. It just lures me when I see the 2 words. Activity 2: Stare at my Computer. No, I am not bragging about my computer and my huge screen. But hey look, I was just surfing my usual like Facebook, Twitter and playing online craps and the cycle goes on round and round again. Well, but I got a little more productive today. I found out how to do Audio Streaming on Facebook live on a profile or a page, and I tried learning Facebook MarkUp Language. I felt a sense of achievement. Really. Okay, making this a random quick post, I was on this ad. Add me on Facebook or Twitter to find out about my little mini part on the silly ad for I Love Discounts. And yeah, that was what I meant by Audio Streaming on Facebook. It’s pretty easy and cool! Activity 3: Dream. I tend to dream more on Fridays. It’s like you know Fridays are one of the days you just dream you were here doing things you like. And just dreaming the whole day away! So, you wanna know what I dream about today? I dreamt I was in Hong Kong. And the crazy me went to google Hong Kong piccas and try tempting myself to book a trip there. Last week, I dream I had a job which gives me a “Friday Office” thing. I feel proud when I tell people I have an office to go too. Yes, I am mentally ill these days. Activity 4: I drive like a headless chicken cos’ I don’t know where I am heading to. I conveniently hop on to my car, and then start driving without knowing where I wanna go. Okay, sorry. I contributed some fumes to the environment, but hey, it’s my solitude time. Activity 5: Okay, this is amazing. I’ve never actually do my assignments on Friday. Never. This is like the thing I DON’T DO ON FRIDAYS. Fridays have been a new found weekend for me. Activity 6: EAT. I usually go for an extraordinary meal on Fridays. So, I went to Chillis tonight. Chillis with its big portion of food, me, the balloon can’t even finish it. That sums up how big the portions are. Nevertheless, my new found excitements I look forward to during the weekdays are Fridays. But when Friday comes, NO, I don’t know where I am going neither do I know what I am doing. Today is one of those days I felt like being random. Perhaps, I’ve always been a random person. I do things my mind can’t comprehend at times. I am just a little too lazy to put even a picture today, but let me end your Friday with my not so handsome smile.
Okay, just kidding. This is so not me. He’s so cute I know. Well, here’s me and here’s hoping you have an awesome weekend ahead.
Don’t chu wanna pinch the cheeks of this little boy? Drop me a note if you wanna do. We’ll pinch together! LOL!
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