If it ever got you thinking with the title, GOTCHA!! I know I’ve been bad at keeping promises to blog this year. But fret not, I am back. Hopefully with better things. I was yakking about how my blog is gonna be a “lil new”, in terms of contents the past few days. So, here is more of them! I’m
officially currently “intern-ing"” (in a way) with the company called “I LOVE DISCOUNTS”.- Malaysia’s Newest Lifestyle Discount Website. Yeah, so who says I am not attached? I am! :p (Mind my lame jokes, it’s 10.30pm, and I didnt take my nap!) Anyways, I’d be featuring new deals from the website as above (click the link above, or here). The website constantly updates with newest deals where you can get things up to XX% off. You won’t wanna imagine. And the deals tips off if it meets the minimum number of buyers! You get things from travel to leisure, to pleasure to food and loads more. So, I’ll tell you about most (or all) of the deals cause I’d be the privileged one to visit each of these locations! It’s time to indulge yourself after a long day at work, no? Yes, for those who knows me so well, I’m a good “Indulger” (if theres such a word). Starbucks, Haagen Dazs, Baskin Robbins – all my good friend! You can be in my team or be the weird one out. From this day forward, I promise to bring you into my world of Indulgence with such amazing deals! Only “ME” can do it. Stay tune for more. ILOVEDISCOUNTS Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/welovediscounts ILOVEDISCOUNTS Twitter – @ilovediscountmy
Hi,Alvin,I'm here to beautify your book,all praises to you and your special team! I'm also attached.Thanks.I'm not a big mouth and I seldom talk much.I like to eat at CoffeeBeans and those delicacies that you savoured reminds me much of the place.I also use discount coupons/vouchers a lot like you and I love to shop.Happy Valentine's Day to you and your closest friend!Aloha!