How many people can truly say that they have 80 years of life? I am proud to be the oldest grandchild for my mother’s side and to have an amazing grandfather who loves me like no one else does. It’s such a fantabulous feeling being a part of this 80th celebration of my grandpa. The feeling of being a part of a great big family for one occasion is priceless. We celebrated his birthday at Marco Polo restaurant with quite a number of tables. This is my beloved grandmother (my dad’s side) who cooks for me everyday and brought me up to the
fat size I am today. Here is my aunty with some of my cousins. Note, I am the oldest grandchild again!
This is my grandpa’s Morning Kaki who has tea with him every morning. My grandpa in red batik.
On my left is my mother and my right, my aunty.
Another gorgeous cousin of mine who actually performed violin that night.
My family picture with grandpa.
The BIG Family.
Lovin’ this picture with my mum. Or does she looks like my sister?
Here’s to end the first part. Mind me that I am a little busy. Will try to update as frequent as I could.
Happy birthday to your kong kong!Wish he has more birthdays to come!!
thanks so much!