This post is gonna be long. If you care, read on..
Often times, we pray, ask and intercede without believing; without trusting. This time, God proved to me that He is much greater than I see Him as. He is way sovereign and He is way more powerful. Indeed I see tht it doesnt matter what you are praying for, but when you believe in what you are praying for, miracles will happen. Sometimes, in life, we always think that prayer is just a mere conversation. Prayer is just a crapping session so on and so forth. But I have learnt that it is not. I maybe late to realize this but it’s better late than never. You may think that ‘Alvin only realises it now?’. Yeah. I am not that perfect person some seems to see me as. I have my weakness. Now, I believe. Oceans Will Part when I pray for the Oceans to be parted.
It is by experience I am blogging about this. I used to think I can do all the things in the world without anyone’s help. I used to think that I can do it when other’s come etc etc. But no longer now. I have learnt that with Jesus, all things are possible. Initially I thought that handling a camp is easy.. well it is definitly NOT. Getting the campers to register was one of the greatest challenges in this ministry. I see no fruits in what I was doing at the beginning but now, with consistent prayers, the LORD has definitly guided and lead me. I have kinda- officially said I have closed the registration. God has blest me with 81 campers and excluding many others on the list. God has not blest me but blest the camp with such a big number of campers. You’d think KLBC is a big church? Yeah, it is but 81 just for a ROCK Camp (not even Combined Youth Camp) is history! It is just historical. I can’t wait to see the things God has installed for all of the campers. I believe more lives would be saved. More souls will be touched. Trust me, God’s favour it’s on our side.
As per Lynnett’s blog. Yes, Ru En wasn’t present last minute for worship yesterday. But when I just sat down calmly calling upon the name of the Lord, I was certain God was with me during the worship session. Yes, Joseph took over with such a joy. I see joy in the team lately. They are just fabulous and they are doing a great job!

Alvin may have been down for the past month.
Yes, emotionally down. People have been asking about What is happening? Why is it happening?So on and so forth. Definitly something is happening and it is not so convenient to share it here. Ask me if you think you are close enough to me. But in all circumstances, despite the unhappiness, God is in control. Although I myself is controlling tears at times. But I have been fine. Ask me if you have the guts!
The past whole week has been aimless. I have not touched my PDSM assignment due this Thursday. I have not studied for my Maths and Malaysian Studies test respectively. And I am surrendering it all to the LORD. Just being so busy with camp and it’s preparation.
I am really disappointed that certain people can’t come for the camp. Really. It is with most disappointing when you see people that you care and people that love nt going for this camp when you are organising it. Put yourself in my shoes. I am just being honest here. I am sorry but certain disappointments can’t be brush away just like that. It’s part and parcel of life, I’d say.
I am longing to go Hillsong’s Concert. But now I am clueless where I can get the tickets. Seriously. I mean I know where but it seems that it is **** ***. Let’s hope it’s not?
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