Heaven Knows

I was just listening to Mix.fm. They played a song that ruined my whole mood. Got me all of a sudden the bad feeling. And that song was ‘Heaven Knows’ by Rick Price. Brought me many unpleasant memories. Well, there are a few songs that brings me back to the old days. Even ‘Drowning’ by Backstreet Boys can get me worst than this.

To love is to let go. Even if it means to have people around distancing you one by one. It’s a tough lesson to learn but it did sink in a little. But it help gets me stronger too. (:

Setting someone free could never been much easier. Over and over again, friends after friends, people after people – it’s the toughest thing to do and I wished I had the option not to let go.

The song says, ‘Why do I live in despair?’. Well, I am not. I am glad to say that I am not. I’ve got Jesus, friends and the people around me. I ain’t living in despair despite how much people think I ought to at times. But yeah, all this time I act so brave, I am shaking inside. Well, this happens. I act so brave to the people whom are close to me but inside me is tearing me apart. How I wish I could just open up a little to those who are close to me.

People around me currently keeps me going. The love for Jesus keeps me moving.

I was foolish to even think that the song ‘I’m taking back my love’ can be done so easily. Love is not an item where you can take it and give it away anytime you like. You’ve been deceived if you think that way. Just because someone doesn’t love you, and you want to take back your love – thats not genuine love. Love has a far more greater meaning than just that.

It’s tough going through this life when people I love ain’t around and supportive, when things I need it is never there but life goes on. Who am I to decide for them what they want?

Memories flow through my mind. It somehow hurts me to know those are just memories but well, I can never expect things to be same all the time.

I am looking forward to opening the Ice-Cream Stall tomorrow at the Bazaar. Should be fun. I’ve been playing so much of Facebook games recently!!! Getting so addicted. 😛

Had an eventful night.

Another rehearsal for ADORE tomorrow.

Dad admitting to hospital tomorrow too. =S

Busy with marketing bazaar.
Not very busy also actually.
Just some preliminary preparations.

I was and am frustrated.
People who doesn’t know how to prioritise.
Can get so irresponsible too.
But well, it’s gonna be fine. I hope.

I am getting random.


How can I make things alright?

I wonder if things can happen again.


I apologise for not keeping my promises.

Yeah, many things have happened lately. Sigh.

About the dream. Yeah, just few nights ago. I dream that I was not having any family members around me. All I had was my grandmother. And my grandmother was terribly sick in an old folks home. All I knew was to ask, ‘Why?’. I knew nothing. I felt lonely.

Basically, the whole dream was about me and my grandmother. And I’ve learn to appreciate her more. Undeniably, age is catching up on her but I am praying for her. She’s a great grandma despite sometimes how I dislike her treating me unfairly among my siblings.

And, keeping my mind busy is what I can do. The thoughts that goes through me – you won’t wanna know. The thoughts and feelings from the heart – you won’t wanna bother aite? It will probably make you think whether I am crazy. So I better keep it to myself.

Dad and Mum just said I might go down Singapore during my One Month Holidays from Sept 26 – Oct something. Hong Kong I am leaving on Dec 26 – Jan 2. Has been awesome to be able to travel this year! 😉 God’s been good!


I had a weird dream last night.

Will share when I return.

I hope it isn’t true >

Birthday with Foundations-mates

There you go.. Pictures aren’t that clear but can be used. Not much elaboration needed laaa LOL.
Below is the Fried Ice Cream. Quite nice eh 😉

And the rest is history. (:

Post Birthday

Many at times, people think that I am the Know-It-All. People thinks that I tend to know everything. And to a point, it’s starting to annoy me because I am not GOD. I am just human. I have my weaknesses too and definitly I don’t know everything. Unless I choose to find out.

I’ve came to realisation that we must learn to accept people’s weaknesses at times. I don’t know whether I learned this lesson because of my emotional self yesterday or is it because I really learnt it. Nevertheless, everyone has their own habits and weaknesses and sometimes our ego makes us hard to come down.

I am emotionally drained. Having a hard time. But have not let go. Perhaps, the foolish me is still fighting on instead of giving in this time. I don’t know why but what happened hit me really hard this time. Sigh.

Why must people change? And Why am I always victimise? Or perhaps, I am not victimise.

I have the hard to settle the issue and to start it all over. But there is a slight fear; but who cares? I am stubborn.

But Lord, why such things often happens? I am coming to realise that I am not good in handling people and relationships as well. But I am learning.

Can things fall back in place? I wonder.

I know it sounds a little dull. Considering the title says Post Birthday. I am blogging this because I sense the above issue is a priority in my life. Not any other celebrations or with any other people. I don’t care.

Generally, my birthday this year was not as great as the previous years. Honestly, it was not. I still think last year’s was the best?

On Friday, I was brought out to lunch with my Foundations Class Classmates; near OUG. These guys treated me meals but of course they did not let me go off so easily. I was first, smashed with tarts (which I heard costs RM 10); and after that forced to think the candle on the cake. My face were creamed. Thankfully I had no classes after lunch. Pictures later.

On Saturday night, after Youth Service, Family brought me to dinner at TGIF. Had some family time. And was once again, forced to do something stupid. Stand on the chair and say a speech to everyone in the restaurant. Just to get a free special expensive cake. But the cake was really nice. I think was ice-cream cake.

On Sunday, church as usual. The ROCKers gave me a suprise in ROCK Junior, Discovery and Powerhouse combine. After I worship lead, the came out with a cake and yeah, was once again asked to do some stupid things. And was all again creamed. But nevertheless, these youths had a great heart for me. And I truly appreciate that.

At night, I went to DUMC for their youth concert just to look see look see and to summarise, the concert was crazy. Crazy as in a bad crazy. They sang mostly secular songs. The did tattoos there. And all kind of funny stuffs; which doesnt at all symbolises what Christians are. Well, I should just keep my mouth shout. I was with some youth leaders as well.

Edit: Not to mentioned, before DUMC: We dropped by EaglePoint to meet Cuzario and Neil because Su May ordered stuffs from them. Had some visit and getting some air cond. And there we left.

I still feel empty despite these happenings. Well, I shouldn’t demand for more. I know I have great friends around me. I truly appreciate that. Talking about gifts, I received I think only 1 this year. Sigh. But nevertheless, I think I should be grateful. Hmm..


If you could’ve afford to do this on my birthday, that shows how big a heart you have for me.

Feeling betrayed, felt being taken for granted.
All on my birthday.

What have you done to make me happy this day?
…when I was all out for yours…

Is this it?

I have had a long night to myself yesterday.
Slept almost very late.
A time of just thinking to myself; once again:
Why things has ended up this way?
Was it ever my fault?

Yes, the questions are once again playing.

I have no issues if you want to call me stubborn. I am.

I am asking myself, ‘Can someone let go of things so easily if he has once held it tight’
or; ‘Maybe this someone has never once held it tight’.

I don’t know. And not for me to care either, right?

Thanks to the Foundations Class for once again making my day!
Thanks for spending RM 10 of cream to smash me with.
Wasting money lah, you guys.

Pics coming up soon.

A happenin’ week, i reckon..

Porn Movie = Laid?

I hate how some people tends to accuse one of their own mistake.
I find it stupid.
Yeah, you are overcoming your own weaknesses by hiding and bringing some others into the play.

These few weeks, I have been pondering a lot about my own life.
I have been thinking and don’t know why; telling myself that I have a lot of weaknesses.
Weaknesses that I am tired to play pretend with or to get someone else to cover it.
Yes, the starting line refers to how much some might hate me as well for doing that.
Counting my weaknesses – I think it will be countless.

But I have realised God overcame my weaknesses.
God’s perfection overcame all of it.
Despite what I hate about myself.

Like someone who once told me this;
‘You watched a porn movie, doesn’t mean you get laid’.
It won’t seem nice accusing one at times.
I have been accuse, I am sure you have too.

As much as I hate others accusing me, I think I should stop accusing people and just admit my weaknesses.

I have been extremely busy but i am not doing much.
I don’t know why but my lazy cells are getting me.

Note: I am not telling you to watch a porn movie or get laid. Thats just something hilarious someone told me. And it’s still funny.