
I have decided to update my blog since I now study in an IT College and I noticed there are homosapiens reading my blog which I do find it amusing.

I have never said that life was easy in my blog, have I? I must say that life is tough and complicated. Yes, the usual old, slow and negative me. But well, it may be tough but it is not the end because things always ends up the brigther side for me since I entered college. Obviously, I am happy like I mentioned in my previous posts. I also want to add that someone finally REALIZE and made me happy. I know some of you hate the song REALIZE by now. But this guy is finally aware of how much he has been hurting me and now trying his best to ammend this broken heart.

Enough of those story telling.

Sometimes I wonder if I look at things the brighter side, whether it would eventually turned out to be the positive side. I am mentioning jst some things here and it doesn’t apply to everything. My COLLEGE MATES: Don’t tell me that we will hand in OSE on the 14th instead of the 9th. Why wait and get yourself so miserable when she said it is 9th and 14th was just a rumour? RIGHT?

I am sure Mr Tomoro will deny the fact that I am saying that.

I mean when we look at things the brighter side, don’t you think we would end up happier? I used to think that i should always prepare for the worst and just do what I do best– DONT’T CARE! But I am noticing that the more I do that, the worst of the worst happens. And it would definitly goes crazy.

I am talking about faith here. Having faith in something that I think it is possible. However, faith without actions brings you no where too. Well, at least I have learnt my lessons to do and think things the positive way, would you do the same?

With this, I would also like to suggest to those working and studying people to take leave or skip college to attend ROCK CAMP 2008 from 1st-4th June.

You know I do hope to see you there, don’t you?

Be there or be square! :)

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