sick sick sick

When it just isn’t my month, have been sick for the past consecutive weeks and yeah, it is exams week… which basically means finals for my Form 4.

Headache, headache and headache all day long just isn’t good… I kinda feel that my body is weak this few weeks. I don’t know what is happening but I am feeling helpless in this state of health…

Exams started 2 days ago and everything is kinda fine although I don’t really think I will do well… Yeap, and the first day of exams got me very pissed. It was really a horrible way to start my week. Everything kinda went wrong, what I wrote wasn’t right, writing the wrong things is just making me worst. I don’t know what I was writing. And the fact that if I do well, all glory belongs to the Lord for I think He wrote those essays for me. I don’t think I was writing and part of it. When the exam time is over, I noticed- “Wow, I finished’. Time flew that fast that particular moment that I didn’t even notice. It was a 2 and a half hour paper but ended up, it was like a 5minutes paper. Part of the miseries were contributed with the haze. Haze is so damn terrible in the city, my school can hardly see the KL Tower. What the crap I was doing the past few days left unanswered. This is just a short blog writing of how I am feeling being a helpless human being in times of difficulties. Cioz.


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