This life is starting to mean something

How exams mark really reflects on my life and my responsibility?

If you compare my first term exam marks and my form 3 marks, my results has decline from bad to worse.

It really reflects my image as everybody thinks *and i repeat, THINKS* of me as a good student! Everyone will be saying like
*alvin got 6A’s in PMR, 4A’s in UPSR and he always studies, he speaks good English*
Haha, this is not true, LOOKS IS DECEIVING!

Honestly, I do study but not too the extreme, I get A’s in major examination because I prayed hard! These are facts, no one could ever change these facts!

But guess what, this life start to mean something to me. Things is starting to go just like what i planned! And sometimes, to my suprise, the thing or event appears to be better than what I’ve thought! And these things are significant in my life and it’s awesome to know such things is happening in my life. It is really cool.

As for the fact that I did not do well this first term exams, I am telling myself to work really hard to achieve better in the coming exams in June. At least to the minimum, each subject I should get at least a 3B or B3. Not anything worse than that! I failed miserably in Add. Maths and Biology this term. I’ll make sure, no fails next term! I did not get 1A for English, it’s just an 2A, which I am not satisfied. I’ve always been getting the highest grade for English and this term…… *speechless*

Anyway, nowadays, I’ve been bust and really busy with drama competition. I hope I can find time to blog!

See ya guys…
Love ya..

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