This is a long over-dued post. I need to get my buttock to start moving and to post up all the pending or over due post. In my attempt to make my blog more popular, I’ve decided to feature people. This time, I chose to feature some self-obsessed people whom attended a gala night with my parents. Jelita was a Malay magazine which actually worked with Alfio Rado.
If you wanted a cool stage lighting effect, this is one example. I thought the lightings were brilliant and was very cleverly done. And the lighting manager’s role was clearly well done. The effects of the night brought out the atmosphere of a high class dinner, despite the hall which was not well maintained.
This was one of the picture I decided to feature. I told you, it’s my attempt to gain more popularity on the blogsphere. I’ve decided not to be selfish but to share and feature people too. In a good way. Haha.
This girl which did one of the performances blew my mind and my eyes, and whatever you want to call it. She CAN REALLY SING.
How can Alvin not talk about food right, here’s the menu.
Some souvenirs and chocolates. 😛
Some famous hot artists who was there to model and speak. Erra Fazira was one of the gorgeous one, Marsha from Akademi Fantasia too was pretty awesome. The rest I weren’t too sure.
Another attempt of shamelessness. Haha. Kidding.
This is real shamelessness, it was a brand new camera at that time, so they were playing with features. How I became the model? Don’t ask me. I don’t have guides on How To Be A Model.
She came up once again to entertain and mesmerise. Pretty awesome stuffs. And this is one of the best STOMP performances, or Drum Performances for a Dinner Night, Gala Night, Event or whatever you call it. Was pretty fascinating – the beats, the movements and the tunes.
I mean, giving all the noisy bands a break, this would be a perfect idea to use for a great prelude and opening, right?
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