This is a short post to say that I am officially back into the blogsphere. Let’s hope I’d blog continually and update this site of mine so that you can keep coming back for more.
I hope you’d drop by again soon and get some new updates from me, my events, my thoughts and my opinions.
Don’t leave this place or don’t click an ‘X’ before dropping by a comment on my Shoutbox or on this post! (I need encouragementlah)! Don’t be so ‘kedekut’ with your opinions okay? 😛
And just so you know, there are new widgets and functions on the sidebar on your right-hand side of this blog such as (Shoutbox, Links (click ’em!), Followers (follow me!), Ask a Question (Question me and remain annonymous), Twitter Updates (follow me there too, twit me up!) and Have A Peek (my photos!). There would be Videos and Poll on my blog as an when necessary.
Any other recommendations that you’d want to see in my blog? Drop me a message!
I hope this blog will go on (and on, and on, and on) permanently for the coming days, months and years!
Till the next update! Have a great day, peeps!
Disclaimer: Some blog links have been removed, drop me a message and I’ll update it back immediately aite?
Happy to day !!.................................................................