1. What is the most important thing in your life?
i’d say my friends.
2. Will you consider a sexual relationship before marriage?
I won’t bother considering.
3. Do you smoke?
I do. Second hand smoke? I hate smokers a looot…
4. What is the latest gadget that you own?
Apart from my computer and handphone, nothing else.
5. Who did you mostly text yesterday?
You know. I know. Enough-lah
6. How old are you and are you a virgin?
18. Yeah. I am. Happy?
7. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
8. Chocolate, oreos or vanilla?
Chocolates, i’d prefer.
9. Where do you wish to get married?
In a church,located around an island. Under the sunny beach
10. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Permanently? I’ve got no idea!
11. How many kids do you want?
A minimum of 2, a maximum of 3. But I really do love children..

12. Are you in love?
You know. I know
13. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Ah Po Chicken Rice next to church?
14. Name the latest book that you bought?
Please note that Alvink doesnt buy any books to read.
15. What is your full name?
Kok Eu-Leong
16. Do you prefer your mother or father?
Depends. When it comes to love and care, mother more. Financially, father! 😛
17. Do u believe in GOD?
Yes, He has been proving himself faithful to me.

18. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time?
No one in specific. Seriously.
19. Christina or Britney?
20. Do you do your laundry?
No. Never. haha
21. The most exciting place you want to go?
Hawaii.. hehehe
22. Hugs or kisses?
I need a lot of HUGS at this point of stressful time
23. Single or Attached?
24. point out 5 things that made the person tagged you associated with you.
We start talking a lot, crapping online. And soon got closer and closer. Somehow, things is how it is right now? Thats all I can say? And I am happy to this point of time with him. Seriously..

I tag..
Max, you wanna do again? Muahaha
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