When everything just goes wrong the whole damned day.
You just feel sick and when you want to get into your bed and jst sleep your way through but yet you can’t. Don’t you feel annoyed and pissed? That is exactly how Alvin Kok is feeling for this whole shitty day.
I was just sms telling BL to slap me upside down and he asked me how. I have got no idea. But something could surely be better than this, isn’t it?
Firstly, 2 Assignments due on the same day-today! OSE and Stupid MATHS; which got the whole class pretty annoyed.
Secondly, the stress is getting me crazy about camp dealing with people and my mind is thinking non-stop
Thirdly, I am suddenly broke today.
Forthly, my stupid PDSM lecturer scolded my gang upside down in front of the class.
And the worst thing here was she mentioned everyone’s weakness. When it comes to me, she said, ‘You have a bad attitude and you are loud. I have been keeping it to myself because I see you smart’. How insulting and hurtful can that be? Oh come on, when we shut the hell up, you say we are quiet, when we speak our minds off, we are loud? So what on earth do you think you want from us? Tell me about it. Bad attitude? I’ve been the only few that does her work and listens to her and hands up my work on time. Are you somewhat blind somewhere? Stop making some unnecessary judgement for the sake of releasing your stupid stress on me. How dumb can lecturers be at times? Think people think! And the rest too innocently got her scoldings and accusations which definitly makes us hates her-although we have never hated her.
Fifthly, When I was back, my dad was still sick. Which means more pressure and stress.
Sixth, when I’ve reached home. I just wanted to cool down and get a nap. In less than 15 minutes of my sleep, my sister woke me up for dinner.
How bad can my day ever be? I wonder. I thanked God that I was sms-ing BL mostly the whole of my day. But at the end, I told him I want to be alone. I guess he’ll surely message me tonight and put the smile on my face. But what on earth a day I’ve had. And today the outing day, we went bowling. Nothing much special.
I thank God tht the Lord has been speaking a lot to me lately on reaching for Him and surrendering myself and the ROCK Campers into His hands. He has shown me the need and necessities of surrendering it all to Him. He showed me some clear visions that He would be with me through my weakness and through my tiredness. He has been speaking to me with the song ‘Reaching For You’ by Hillsong. It just tells me that I should never give up and to keep reaching for Him and to stand before Him. I see that I am doing something that will bless His people. All of my days indeed belongs to Him. This is the first event where I really intercede before Him and telling Him how much I want it to be great and awesome. I am sure He will not fail me. He will still do micracles even if the numbers are few. He is great! =)
People, I am still in confused, annoyed, depress, emo, unhappy mode.
I’ll be fine after some time.
God has His purpose and plans for us.
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